I hadn't seen a particular friend in a while, and when I did, she had a weird suprised look on her face. Upon further study I finally realized, that her eyebrows were higher than the McDonald's arches. The way she plucked her brows was just wrong on so many levels. Don't let your brows convey the wrong message about what you are feeling! If you are not already going to a professional to get waxed or threaded, let me help you with the proper way to groom your brows.
1.) Cleanse skin with a washcloth and warm water. If you are worried about pain, you can use baby Oragel.
2.) Brush eyebrows out with the comb end of your brow brush
3.) Sit under natural light or a bright light with a good mirror or magnifying glass.
4.) Make sure your tweezers are a good pair with the slanted ends.
5.) Start tweezing...Tweeze hair in the direction they grow in, being careful not to pluck to many at one time.
6.) Never tweeze above the brow. I start in the middle of my eyes or (the Unibrow area), then move to clean up the beginning area of the brow.
7.) The best brows have a slight arch, think (Megan Fox)! To find yours, take a long eyeshadow brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the outside edge of the iris, or the colored part of the eye. Where the brush meets the brow is where the highest part of your brow should be. Tweeze the hairs underneath the arch.
8.) The unibrow area should be equal to, or a little wider than, your eyes. To find out where your brow should go, take the brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the side of your nose. Where the brush meets your brow is where your brow should begin. Tweeze the hair in between.
Step back every so often to see your progress. If you over pluck, there is nothing you can do, and the hair may not grow back like the hair on the rest of your body. Soothe with aloe gel after if you have redness. Fill in where nessecary with an eyebrow pencil when applying makeup. Your brows are a very imortant part of your look, they are the picture frame to the picture!